2025 Pack 40 Pinewood Derby
Click here to register for the race by Wednesday Jan 29, 2025.
Date: Saturday, Feb 8, 2025
Car Weigh-in / Drop-off: Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 -- 9am-10:45am
Race start time: Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 --11am
Address: Nobscot Scout Reservation, 1 Nobscot Rd, Sudbury, MA .
Building: White Lodge, next to the Nobscot main entrance & parking lot. Circled in red on this Nobscot map
Scout attire: Class-A (blue/tan) uniforms
Cost: $0
Questions? Email dianeorf@gmail.com
Volunteers - Pinewood Derby Crew
Sign up for a large or small job to help our Pinewood Derby run smoothly!
We need volunteers to help with:
Night-before track and room setup (2-3) : help the Race Managers set up the track and the chairs
Car weigh-in / check-in: registration table (2)
Car weigh-in / check-in: tools table (2): help Cub Scouts and parents make last-minute adjustments to get cars at peak performance (and legal)
Food crew - order and help serve the food (1-2)
Awards coordinator (1)
Awards helpers (1-2): help the Awards coordinator make the magic happen!
Photographer (1-2): take photos throughout the event, take group photos.
General helpers
Post-race cleanup and track takedown (6)
Car kits and rules
Cars must be made from the official BSA car kits.
Each Scout receives a free kit. For kits for Cub Scouts, contact Sarah Austin at seaustin519@gmail.com.
Parents and non-Scout siblings who want to participate in the race can purchase their own cars at the Scout Shop (23 Turnpike Rd, Southborough, MA) or online at https://www.scoutshop.org/official-pinewood-derby-car-kit-17006.html.
Cars must comply with the official "Pro-Stock" BSA 2024 Mayflower Council rules (click to follow link to rules) *Will update for 2025 when available. We don't anticipate big changes. *
FAQ: Are adults allowed to help make the cars? Yes! This is supposed to be a Scout & parent/guardian activity. Make great memories together!
If the adult does everything, the Cub Scout doesn't learn anything, make memories, or feel personal pride in their car.
With no adult involvement, the Cub Scout may end up with a car that performs poorly on race day.
Best situation is where an adult works on EVERY aspect of the car with the Cub Scout - design, cutting, sanding, painting, wheel/axel prep, weight, etc. Through this the Cub Scout learns the what/why and the science behind PWD. They come out with a car that they and parent/guardian built together, and a memory and skills that will last their lifetime!
Race Day!
Check out photos from the 2022 Pinewood Derby , 2023 Pinewood Derby and 2024 Pinewood Derby to see what it's like.
Restrooms are available in the building.
Pizza lunch will be served.
Siblings and adults will race their cars first in the "Pace Car" race. Cub Scout races will take place after that. Each race will run multiple times, giving every car a chance in various lanes.
Prizes will be awarded within each rank for speed, and other awards will be given as well. The Scouts from each rank who win 1st-3rd place in speed will be invited to represent Pack 40 at the Council level race (date and location not announced yet).
Schedule :
Night before volunteers setup start time: 7pm
Car Weigh-in / Drop-off time: 9am-10:45am
Race start time: 11am
Awards ceremony
Post-race cleanup and track takedown
What happens at "Weigh-in and Dropoff"?
Each car will be weighed and measured by a race volunteer.
In order to compete, cars must meet all requirements specified in the BSA 2024 Mayflower Council rules *Will update for 2025 when available. We don't anticipate big changes. * (Pro-Stock rules) . The official scale and measuring box are the final ruling.
There will be tools available to make adjustments the day of the race to comply with rules.
Once the owner is satisfied and the car meets weight and size requirements, the car is taken by race volunteers. Owners may not touch their cars after this point until the races are complete (unless the car is damaged during racing, at which point the owner has the chance to fix their car.)
Special chance this year through Scout Life magazine and race car driver Zachary Tinkle to get your pinewood derby car design on a real race car!
Read more and enter by midnight CT 2/28/25 here!